I F.E.E.D my Kids

Have you ever noticed that it never ends? I mean once you bring that itty-bitty one into the world, the responsibility just rolls along from one day to the next without a thought of letting you rest? I feel that way, too! Give them some maturity and it starts getting easier…but it still never ends.

For instance, I’m always appalled when it’s time to eat again. The preparation for the meal takes longer than the eating of it, and no sooner are you cleaned-up that it’s time to start again. Most meals aren’t even memorable, but that has no bearing on their importance. Feeding kids at my house is really about finding some healthy recipes and then making them over and over…and over. Then WAH-LA! They become big and strong and try to carry you around the kitchen on their back and make you take your shoes off so they can measure you on the wall against their own height-mark. I suddenly wonder what I did to make this happen. All I did was feed my kids…everyday… and they passed me up!


Training children is a lot like feeding children. It is not about being memorable as  much as it is about using a healthy recipe (see mine below) and being consistent. They may not like it at first, but keep it up and they will develop a taste for the new way things are being done at home.

 One day, you will realize that they are strong, mature, gracious people with integrity and you will shy up to them and measure your own character and realize that they have surpassed you.   You will cry! But don’t worry. They still need a hot meal from mama now and again and you’ll be SO glad it never ends!

I  F.E.E.D. My Kids so They Can Grow

InsIFEEDquotePinterestwebpire with your example. Your children will follow your ways. (Proverbs 23:26, 20:7)

Fast and pray…for a heart change that only God can make (Proverbs 20:9, 27, 21:2)

Explain the right attitudes and actions (Proverbs 7:24, 40:20)

Encourage when you see improvement (Proverbs 23:15, 24-25)

Discipline when you see digression (Proverbs 13:24, 29:15)

Proverbs 31:28-29
Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”